Entries by Heart in Mind

Being more than Mindful of Mindfulness – Part 2

Part 2: Will Mindfulness take us to where we want to go? What are the consequences for a mindful life? This is the second of three posts in a series titled “Being more than Mindful of Mindfulness”. In the first post I examined whether or not Mindfulness as a clinical intervention is efficacious. The conclusion […]

Being more than Mindful of Mindfulness – Part 1

This is the first of three posts titled “Being more than Mindful of Mindfulness”. In this first post I will address Mindfulness as a treatment for clinical conditions. In the two posts that follow I will address Mindfulness as a way of life: What we might lose or gain in the process (Post Number 2), […]

Identity – An internal reality

It is striking that identity is irresistibly and incorrigibly internal. Fancy someone saying, “That is me over there”. It would be incomprehensible. Our identity isn’t found outside of us it can only be found within us.