Entries by Heart in Mind

When Connection is an “F” word

Right now the nine year old boy in our house is carrying out some mock combat by himself on the trampoline. I see him through the windows punching the air, then falling onto his back. All his sisters are out with their mum, and we just finished his reading for the week (A scary Goosebumps […]

How to pick a partner

There are many strategies that can help you pick a partner for life. You could pick based on bodies. Do they have a good one? Physical attraction has its place. You could pick based on brains. Surely respecting a partner’s intellect will help a relationship last?

Identity Given

Christine Bryden suffers from Dementia. She was diagnosed at the young age of 47. In her career she had been the science advisor to the Prime Minister of Australia. She had a beautiful mind, but her ability to think was and still is being taken from her. She was forced to go inward. To ask […]

“What do I do when I get upset?”

This is a common question that many of us who ‘re-live’ distressing feelings ask. And it is no wonder. With so many of us having experienced trauma in our lives, reliving an old sense of distress is widespread. So what can you do at the time?  Here are a few suggestions.